Complete Product Experience

V M Janardhanan
2 min readSep 5, 2022


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

What is Product Experience?

Product Experience is the journey that customers take from the beginning to the end within the product and the perception that they have as a result of interaction with the product. Specifically in the world of apps it is the jouney that takes place within that application.

IGI Global defines Product Experience as:

“The awareness of the psychological effects elicited by the interaction with a product, including the degree to which our senses are stimulated, the meanings and values we attach to the product, and the feelings and emotions that are elicited”.

Difference between User experience and Product Experience

Product experience deals with the complete end to end throughout the customer journey with the product whereas user experience deals with the interaction of the user with the product at that particular instance or specific interaction.

UX teams focus on the usability of the product when the customer is using for the purpose of the value which is realised by using the product. Product teams focusing on the product experience needs to keep a focus on how the product can help the customer throughout the journey be it onboarding, helping with understanding of new features or supporting the project.

How does Product Experience help?

Most important aspect of the product is that it has paying customers or customers who generate value for the business as well to thrive, one of the ways in where the new customers can be pulled in and also have retention of the customer at the same time. If the product experience of the customers is good with the product then the above goal could be achieved.

With the increase in the good customer experience the customers will be loyal and help increase the net promoter score.

Ways to improve Product Experience:

  1. Getting feedback regularly from the customer be it those who are on the trail phase or paying customers. This can be in the form of surveys, one to one interactions, customer advisory boards, Virtual research, polls, user forums and in app community.
  2. Analytics generated from the app could provide insights. If these insights are in line with the metrics which has been set then it could be in positive direction, if not so then there could be issue with that particular point or underlying root cause hindering the user not being able to use the product. Analytics can also help to find the ways to upsell the product.
  3. Increased engagement with the product through the in app guided paths, help users with shortcuts for increasing the ease of use, and updating the users features and the value generated through the emails or other preferred point of contacts based on customer needs or broadly based on the customer segment.

